Want to Join?

Join KALAI to be part of Indian Art, Music & Culture in Aarhus, Denmark

If you like Indian art, music & culture and want to be part of it then we are here to help you.
Become a member of KALAI and enjoy different flavours of Indian art, music & culture.

Followings are benefits when you are part of KALAI

  • Access to various events organised by KALAI
  • Have voice to ask/present for Indian art, music & culture of your flavour
  • Chance to learn or improve your artistic skills
  • Access to various artists where KALAI has established a relationship
  • Socialising and creating network
  • Promote and encourage your kids towards Indian art, music & culture
  • Democratic voice in KALAI association

Membership age: 18 Years and above. Person below 18 years can come to the events together with the parents.

Membership Fee: 150 Kr. per year per member. (As decided in AGM 2024)

Membership cycle: Starts from April (current year) till March (next year)

Membership Cancellation: If you request to cancel your membership before end of the year cycle, your membership fee will not be refunded.

Next step: Fill up following registration form and complete the payment. Once Payment is done KALAI will review the application and will send you confirmation email/SMS.

Contact us:

Please contact KALAI for any queries using any of the following options

Membership registration/renew

Please complete the registration form here. Very soon we will add you to out digital communication channels.

Membership (#3)


(Click + below to add multiple members)

Billing info (Required for Online Payment)

Provide information for payment gateway. It needs to match with card used for payment.

(calculated based on members mentioned above)